
Gepubliceerd op 23 juli 2024 om 18:05

from Trabzon we follow the coast of the Black Sea

at Batumi we cross the border

what is striking is that in Georgia people do sit on the beach

we take a city tour

and cycle to Zugdidi, where we leave some of our luggage behind

many hives and honey sales

bamboo ladders and sweepers; the real craft

cows and pigs in the streets and dilapidated buildings


has its own language and writing

has remained reasonably free of occupiers in the past

money and valuables were taken care of

what was brought here by oppressed populations

the museum in Mestia and the local film Dede

give a glimpse into the rich history

we stay 2 weeks


our host Gio fears cultural heritage is disappearing due to tourism

in Mestia, with its watchtowers, this is not a problem yet

in Ushguli it is

we celebrate Wen's birthday with cake

the Zagari pass is breathtakingly beautiful

with its 5000-metre peaks of the Caucasus


Soviet Union's former thermal resort

on doctor's advice, a two-week course of treatment

there was a direct train connection from Moscow

8 bathhouses and 23 sanatoriums

dark and sinister


impoverished and abandoned

apart from a few refugees from Abkhazia

Stalin's summer house and private bath

is sensitive here

because Stalin wanted to eliminate the Georgian identity

from north to south Georgia

three passes above 2000 metres

Zagari, Zekari and Vardzia pass

steep and unpaved

jaded but proud

breathtaking views

pure beauty at the top

sleeping among horses, sheep, cows and dogs in a cutting wind

bouncing down the descent to Vardzia

a monastery carved into the rocks

we climb out of the gorge

and enter a totally different landscape

with barren expansive rolling mountains

Georgia has captured our hearts

we still put Svaneti salt on our egg every day

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